
The team members and collaborators behind the project are multidisciplinary and have extensive experience in Programming, Smart contract & Blockchain, Finance, Trading and Crypto industries along with a high understanding of economic conditions.

We are a global community attempting to develop a user-friendly decentralization where transparency and cooperation are critical to thriving and achieving the core vision and objective.

For the earliest stages of the project, the crew has agreed to remain anonymous. This decision was made after much thought regarding the nature of MegaLion Exchange and how to create trust in the project's potential rather than in individuals. We believe that every single person involved in this initiative deserves to be praised for his or her outstanding work, dedication, and engagement, whether near or far.

Once the project has a large community base, the Team will publish the entire identity of the core members. You must keep in mind that we would be the DeFi space's "Most Centralized Derivatives Trading Protocol," the true definition of a community-driven endeavor.

The trust and confidence should be placed in the project's potential, the community surrounding it, and, most importantly, our Code and Smart Contract. Being totally on-chain and running a DAO ensures maximum transparency and allows us to flourish as a community as we embark on this incredible journey

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